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Contact us

Below you'll find contact details for our management and offices. To find one of our co-workers, please go to Search.

IVL Swedish Environmental Institute has offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Skellefteå. Our work also has a significant international focus and we have offices in Beijing, China and in Mumbai, India.

We would like to know what services your organization needs. Please fill in the form below and select the area you'd like to know more about and we will get back to you. (NOTE, for questions regarding job openings and thesis work, please visit https://career.ivl.se)

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CEO, Vice president and CFO

Porträtt på John Rune Nielsen

John Rune Nielsen


Phone: 010-788 66 36
E-mail: JohnRune.Nielsen@ivl.se

Anna Jarnehammar porträtt

Anna Söderholm

Vice president

Phone: +46 (0)10-788 65 76
E-mail: anna.jarnehammar@ivl.se

The image shows a man

Thomas Nilsson


Phone: +46(0)10-788 65 17
E-mail: thomas.nilsson@ivl.se

Operative units

porträttbild på en kvinna

Karin Sjöberg

Environmental intelligence

Phone: +46 (0)10-788 67 95
E-mail: karin.sjoberg@ivl.se

Mona Olsson Öberg porträtt

Mona Olsson Öberg

Sustainable business and consumption

Phone:+46 (0)10-788 69 22
E-mail: mona.olsson.oberg@ivl.se

The image shows a man

Patrik Isaksson

Sustainable society

Phone: +46(0)10-788 68 70
E-mail: patrik.isaksson@ivl.se

Research, IT and Human Resources

Porträtt av Stefan Pettersson

Stefan Pettersson

Head of Research

Phone: +46 (0)10-788 67 33
E-mail: stefan.pettersson@ivl.se

Anna Amgren

Human Resources

Phone: +46 (0)10-788 65 38
E-mail: anna.amgren@ivl.se

Peter Lindén

IT and administration

Phone: +46 (0)10-788 68 69
E-mail: peter.linden@ivl.se


Halvkroppsporträtt av Anna Holmquist

Anna Holmquist

Head of communications

Phone: +46(0)10-788 67 28
E-mail: anna.holmquist@ivl.se

Sara Malmheden

Sara Malmheden

Press officer

Phone: +46 (0)10-788 65 10
E-mail: sara.malmheden@ivl.se

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