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  3. [2021-06-08] Great interest in calculating the climate impact of buildings
News | 2021-06-08
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Great interest in calculating the climate impact of buildings

There is great interest in calculating the climate impact of buildings. Since the Construction Sector's environmental calculation tool was launched, it has had over 2,500 users who have counted on more than 10,000 projects. IVL has now further developed the tool so that it is available in four different variants – from a simpler free version to an advanced license-based multi-user version. In addition, IVL offers training and support.

Next year, requirements will be introduced for climate declarations for new buildings. It seems to have gained momentum in the construction industry.

– The legislation on climate declaration has started a movement where everyone now seems to see a need to count; property owners who need to keep track of their emissions and become skilled purchasers and contractors who want to go beyond the legislative level and find competitive advantages by optimizing their platform, says Anders Ejlertsson, project manager at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

The construction sector's environmental calculation tool, BM, can be used to calculate how much climate impact different buildings have and how emissions can be reduced through changes in material choices and production methods. The calculation can be used to meet the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's legal requirements, environmental building climate requirements or to respond to tough procurement requirements.

Four different license types

IVL has now further developed the tool so that it is available in four different variants: BM Free, BM Pro Personal, BM Pro Teams and BM Pro Business.

– We have further developed and adapted the tool to the needs of more advanced users and can now offer a packaged solution that also includes support and training, says Anders Ejlertsson.

Users who want more advanced features need to sign a license agreement while those who choose not to sign a license agreement can continue to use the free version BM Free. BM Pro is available in three variants, all of which include digital reading from costing software. It is also possible to share calculations in teams or manage your own resource register.

– We have worked for a long time with digital reading from costing software and we now feel that the technology is ready to be launched outside research projects. There is a built-in smart memory in BM that makes the tool remember what has been done in previous calculations. This means that new users can quickly produce a high-quality calculation, says Martin Erlandsson, life cycle expert at IVL.

More information about the services can be found on the website Byggsektorn's environmental calculation tool External link, opens in new window.. There you can also install the tool, book training, apply for support and watch instructional videos.

For questions, please contact:
Anders Ejlertsson, anders.ejlertsson@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 66 92
Martin Erlandsson, martin.erlandsson@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 65 30